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Dıploma Programs

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.


He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

Assocıate Degree

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

Planning of sales in marketing and sales units of businesses.


Psychology, reading people’s behavior and mental processes.

To be able to increase productivity in institutions that produce goods or services.

Graduate Programs

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

As in all the world, there is a rapid social change in Turkey.

Doctoral Programs

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

Tradıtıonal Medıcıne

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

He continues scientific research and studies on these sites.

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Frequently Asked Questıons

[mkd_accordion style=”accordion”][mkd_accordion_tab icon_pack=”” title=”WHAT IS THE DISTANCE EDUCATION?”]

Distance education is a learning method that is an alternative to traditional learning methods. In this method, there are efficient programs developed for students. It is an in-stitutional educational activity where students, teachers and teaching materials in different places are brought together through communication technologies. Thus, the students who want to continue their education can easily continue their education by means of information technology without making any spatial changes.

[/mkd_accordion_tab][mkd_accordion_tab icon_pack=”” title=”IS THERE COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE?”]

There is no compulsory attendance at Da Vinci University. Lessons can be worked at the desired time. Together with this, there is course pursuance; But the project is not given to the students for the unfinished courses. For this reason, it is very important for the student to study without disrupting their lessons.

[/mkd_accordion_tab][mkd_accordion_tab icon_pack=”” title=”ARE THERE CLASS OR COURSE REPETITION?”]

The student has to make enough notes from the project he has prepared. As long as he cannot get enough notes, he will not be able to take the courses of the other semester. Therefore, in case of failure, the student will take the same lesson again and prepare the homework again.

[/mkd_accordion_tab][mkd_accordion_tab icon_pack=”” title=”DO I HAVE REGISTER TO DA VINCI UNIVERSITY AS A SECOND UNIVERSITY?”]

Yes. In particular, people who finished any university undergraduate degree, so will be able to study in whatever branches they want and also can be continued their business life.



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