Our Vision and Mission


Da Vinci University delivers an attainable online higher education through experienced faculty, an international student population and a focus on a global business environment. IDVU inspires students from all over the world to connect their e-learning experience to practical real world skills while networking with other professionals globally to gain targeted employment and business opportunities.


  1. Student Centered: Our learning systems, programs, teaching methods, and student support systems are oriented towards the benefit of our students. We believe that the online experience should be blended with a personal connection and support in order to generate the best learning outcomes.
  2. Professional Excellence: We encourage our students to become the best employees and managers they can be. We teach our students that performance needs to be measured based on the best global and business management standards. We support our students with their personal academic and career goals.
  3. Innovation: We believe that education must evolve and fit itself into the changing global business environment.
  4. Teamwork: The IDVU family is all about the team. We choose qualified subject matter experts in their field in order to create and deliver quality programs for our students. Our instructors, administration, student relations, and marketing teams are working closely with each other in order to provide the best experience for our students.


To become a leading institution of higher education in management and business administration, known for our flexible, innovative and user friendly programs.

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

Communication Skills Effectively communicate in the English language across cultures.
Intellectual Skills Demonstrate problem solving skills along with critical, analytical, and creative thinking.
Competence Exhibit professional competence in their chosen business field.
Global Citizenship Engage in a lifelong pursuit of global awareness, social justice, and ethical reasoning to local and international communities.

Achievement of these Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) adopted by the faculty and administration in 2018 is primarily the responsibility of the faculty, as measured through an assessment plan administered by the IDVU Academic department. Each academic program aligns its Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with the Institutional Learning Outcomes to ensure that the Outcomes guide the IDVU educational experience and fulfills the IDVU mission. Therefore, as the academic program assesses its own learning outcomes, it gathers discipline specific evidence that the ILOs are also fulfilled even within courses. Institutional and Program Student Learning Outcomes for all academic programs are published in the website. Course level student learning outcomes are included in all syllabi.