About the Ayurvedic Therapy Diploma Program
Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health system, also known as the ‘Science of Life’, originating from the Indian subcontinent. This course for beginners will teach you how to apply Ayurveda’s wellness practice to your daily life and use it to help others.

To truly understand Ayurveda, the course delves into the origins and history of the practice, along with introducing Sanskrit, the sacred language of India, and discussing Samkhya, the ‘backbone’ of Ayurveda.

The course also shows how the practice compares with Western medicine to explain the differences in approach and values. You will also discover the basic principles of Ayurveda and how they are used to translate the human condition, especially when it has become unstable.

To appreciate the power of Ayurveda, it is vital to understand how the practice perceives body energy and thoughts on how nutrients and mental stimulation are translated into your body’s cellular structure. You will learn about the Ayurvedic Energy Systems, the 3 Vital Forces and the Nadis (Energy Channels) as well as the 7 Dhatus, Chakras and Pancha Koshas (invisible overlays). You will also discover the important topic of Ayurvedic Building Types (Doshas) that classify each of us into one of the 3 mind-body profiles, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. You will learn what this means and even discover the Dosha that most accurately represents you.

Ayurveda defines health as ‘harmony’ and defines Agni as the key to health. In addition to explaining this, the course outlines the 6 disease states as defined in Ayurvedic terms and which diseases each Dosha is most susceptible to. You will also learn about the role of Ama in disease, the power of Inner Wisdom, and the importance of lifestyle for health.

From the Ayurveda Diploma Course, you will learn about the specific ways the practice diagnoses and treats diseases. Various diagnostic methods are discussed, such as the Radial Pulse, Meridians, and the 5 Essential Elements. The course explains Ayurveda’s use of ‘Pancha Karma’ in the treatment of illness – a fivefold detoxification treatment that includes massage, herbal therapy and other procedures. Additionally, you will learn about the role of ‘Paliation’ in neutralizing remaining toxins and restoring health balance.

Ayurveda is a holistic practice, so it is governed by the prevailing belief that the body can heal itself. An important part of this concept is the purposeful consumption of nutrients so you will learn how to follow the Ayurvedic diet for optimal health. The course includes the Food Guidelines for individual Doshas and explains the Ayurvedic perspective on vitamin supplementation while explaining how flavors and emotions are linked, what constitutes poor food combinations, how to improve digestion and the importance of fasting.

Another interesting way Ayurveda deals with food is the connection between food and our senses – all of them. The course describes Rasa as a more sophisticated approach to 6 ‘tastes’ and how each ‘taste’ relates to health. In addition, the 6 stages of digestion, the food journey, tastes and actions and what is meant by ‘Unimaginable Effect’ are explained.

In addition to providing a comprehensive understanding of the theories and practices associated with Ayurveda, the course also provides a practical framework for daily routines and rituals, as well as principles and mindsets you can use every day.

Course Curriculum
What will I learn in the course?

Module 1 – Ayurveda: Life Science
3 episodes

Module 2 – Basic Principles of Ayurveda
5 pieces

Module 3 – Ayurvedic Energy Systems
4 pieces

Module 4 – Ayurvedic Constitutions
3 episodes

Module 5 – Pathways of Disease
4 pieces

Module 6 – Ayurvedic Early Symptom Detection
2 pieces

Module 7 – Disease Treatment with Ayurveda
2 pieces

Module 8 – Ayurvedic Diet and Optimal Health
6 pieces

Module 9 – Ayurveda and Taste
3 episodes

Module 10 – Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
3 episodes

Who Will Benefit From This Course?
The Ayurveda Diploma Course for complete beginners can be studied by anyone who wishes to improve their health and well being by applying these ancient practices in their daily life.

You can also use the techniques taught in the course in conjunction with other existing practices that you can use with clients or pursue further training, in pursuit of a career as an Ayurvedic Practitioner or Ayurvedic Doctor.