Dist. Prof. Dr. (H.C.) Sir Luis Emilio Abad

Distinguished University Professor of Ophthalmology

MD, DO, MBA, PhD. (multi), Dr. H.C,  FNYAM, DSc. (multi), FBQS (hon), FICP, D.Litt., FBU.

Oftalmo Abad, Eye Clinic – Orkeke 67, Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina – Postcode: 9,400


– Creator of devices and systems for ophthalmic surgery and intraocular micro implant for degenerative diseases of the retina – International Patents in Europe and USA

– Director and Vitreoretinal Consultant at Oftalmo Abad, Clínica de Ojos, Santa Cruz, Argentina

– Ambassador at UNESCO for Argentina

– Medical Doctor (MD), Cordoba National University, Córdoba, Argentina

– Ophthalmology Diploma (DO), Council Doctors of Santa Cruz, Argentina and Argentine Society of Ophthalmology

– Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) in Genetics and Cell Biology, Bircham International University, Spain

– Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Medical Institutions, Bircham International University, Spain

– Honorary Distinction “Magna Cum Laude”, (doctoral thesis), Bircham International University, Spain

– Doctor Honoris Causa (Dr.h.c.) contribution to the knowledge and to the scientific research in

Ophthalmology, Bircham International University, Madrid, Spain

– Philosophy Doctor (PhD.) as researcher, International Philosophical Institute, India

– Doctor of Sciences (DSc.) in Ophthalmology “ad eundem” (education and practice in Ophthalmology)

Ballsbridge University, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica

– Doctor of Sciences (DSc.) as Boitech researcher, Research Training & Treatment Institute, Jodhpur, India

– Doctor of Letters (D. Litt.) in Medical Research, Maha Sastra University, Sastra Angkor Institute, The Kingdom of Cambodia

– Associate Fellow at New York Academy of Medicine, NY, USA

– Golden Medal of Excellence “International Health Professional of the Year -2012” (scientifics research), International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England

– International Award, Marquis Who’s Who in America (scientific publications), New York, USA

– Honorary Fellow, Institute the Chartered Professionals (optics researcher), Ireland, UK

– Honourable Global Member Council of the Board of Quality Standards, Ireland, UK

– Board of Research Advisor at Sastra Angkor University, The Kingdom of Cambodia

– Academic Representative in Argentina and worldwide, California University FCE, California, USA

– President, International Research Group, Abad Eye Research, Ballsbridge University

– Distinguished University Professor and Dean of Ophthalmology at Ballsbridge University, Roseau, Dominica and Republic of Ghana

– Published more than eighty articles in scientific journals

– Author of nine books of Ophthalmology

Editorial Board Member:

– Ophthalmology & Visual System, MI, USA https://medcraveonline.com/AOVS/editorial-board

– Annals of Medical & Surgical Case Reports (AMSCR), Melbourne, Australia https://grfpublishers.com/journals/view/MTY=/Annals-Medical-Surgical-Case-Reports

– World Journal of Ophthalmology & Vision Research (WJOVR), CA, USA https://irispublishers.com/wjovr/editorialboard.php

– Enliven Archive – research, Dover, USA http://www.enlivenarchive.org/clinical-ophthalmology-research/index.php?content=editorial_board

– Editorial of Ophthalmology, Scientific Federation, CA, USA http://scifed.com/journal-of-ocular-biology/editorial-board.php

– Consultant in Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System, Journal, Oklahoma, USA http://medcraveonline.com/AOVS/editorial-board

– Open Access Journal of Ophthalmology (OAJO), MI, USA               https://medwinpublishers.com/OAJO/editorial-board.php

– Consultant Emerit in Medical Journal ECRONICON, Scotland, UK https://www.ecronicon.com/editorial_popup.php?id=3486

– Consultant at American Journal of Ophthalmology, FL. USA

– Consultant International Journal of Ophthalmology Association, Yemen

– Editor International Journal of Theaa Laboratories, Seville, Spain

– Creator and Director of magazine “Retinology” OM Laboratories, Lisbon, Portugal

– Consultant for Ophthalmological articles in Journal “To Grow”, Lisbon, Portugal

Research Interest:              

Eye Biotechnology and Ocular Nanomedicine Stem Cells.